dimanche 11 janvier 2015


Une journée calme en mer comme les 2 prochains jour!
Je n'arrive pas à télécharger des photos, Il faut un temps fou, et c'est du temps perdu sur in ternet. 
je vais voir si on peut le faire différemment. 

Nous avons encore perdu une heure aujourd'hui. Donc nous sommes 2 heures derrière la France. 
Nous suivons la marche dans Paris sur TV5 monde et notre coeur est en France. Espèrons que cette union républicaine va durer et que cette journée ne va pas rester juste de la pure émotion mais va être traduite dans les faits une fois l'émotion passée.

On espère que vous allez tous bien. 

Hello, Hello,
 It’s the morning of Sunday 11th January and the ship is heading west-south-west towards Cap Verde. As the ship is relatively independent of the on-shore constraints between ports, the captain decides when he is going to change the time on-board. On Thursday to Friday we lost an hour although we were still off the east coast of Spain and the time on Spanish soil had not changed. But we were “on-time” when we got to Casablanca Saturday morning as their time is one hour after Spain! (what a clever man).
He changed the time again last night (again back one hour). So I went to the gym at 6h15 am thinking that there would be nobody there. Silly man - there were at least 50 people already sweating in silence.
I had felt fairly depressed on Thursday morning due to the hard mattress and I was starting to dread the coming 4 months. But we had a pleasant surprise. One of the gentlemen on our dinner table, in addition to being a retired professional musician (double bass in classical orchestras) is also a very experienced “electrical” acupuncturist – he uses a “non-penetrating” needle and a 9 volt current to replace traditional needles and on Friday he offered to “sort out “my back problems. Very efficient – in less than 15 minutes, he had me touching my toes – something that I have not dared to do for at least 15 years!!
Our “included” trip around Casablanca was sufficient as we had already spent a day here in 2012 and Casa is not the most attractive of Morocco’s cities. We are impatient to get to Brazil etc.
As Christine said we have been following “events” in France with considerable sadness. For many years  I have been a dedicated “listener” of Bernard Maris’s economic debates at 7h45am on France Inter the Friday mornings. Maybe he was not as well known to the general public as Cabu and the others who were killed at Charlie Hebdo, but what a good man, and I for one, will miss not hearing him on Friday mornings. 
A little later in the day:
The French representative of Costa gave the French passengers a brief introduction to the excursions that they can buy and that are not included in the basic price of the Tour. We then queued up to buy those excursions that interested us only to find that many had already been sold weeks ago by internet!! Still we signed on for more than 9 excursions over the coming weeks.    

4 commentaires:

  1. Manifestation réussi aujourd'hui à la Ciotat dans le calme et le soutien au parents des victimes...Beaucoup de monde étaient présent.Ns y étions avec quelques collègues de rando......
    Bonne soirée sur le bateau...........Bisous à vs deux

  2. Hello Christine and John, good to hear about the acupuncture for your back John, and we hope it continues to improve. Good news about your cabin too, I know you were very concerned about that so its good to know that you have some daylight coming in and can see the sea!!! We are terribly sorry to hear about the awful events in Paris the last few days and we Send very much love, Sue and Andrew xxxxx

  3. Bonnes nouvelles ! Contente de savoir John soulagé et redevenu souple, il faudra nous donner les coordonnées de ce monsieur! Bises à vous deux, désormais amarinés!

  4. Supers nouvelles pour toi John! A Morzine aussi plusieurs centaines (voire plus) de personnes s'étaient réunies hier. Léon a vécu sa première marche républicaine :)
    Bisous, Constance
    PS : je ne sais pas si tu auras le temps de regarder mais c'est compliqué d'écrire un commentaire si on n'a pas de compte Google !
